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In-House Marketing Services

NRG Home Mover Concierge

You can offer your Clients a Utility

Set-Up Program that gives them benefits at no cost to you!

Let NRG do the heavy lifting. When you or your client calls, a dedicated Specialist will assist with the tools and resources needed to help make your clients move as easy as possible. It's like having a personal assistant to help with the move!


With one call, your clients will receive dedicated support to help: 

  • Stopping and starting electricity, gas, water, sewer and trash services 

  • Shopping for phone, TV and Internet providers

  • Collecting all contact information needed for other utilities 

  • Reviewing specialized electricity and natural gas plan options 

Plus, your clients will receive ongoing support after the move!

Let us help make your Clients transition as smooth and seamless as possible!


Email to get started today!





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